Wednesday November 22
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The registration starts with a welcome coffee at 8:00.
You can anticipate the opportunity to network with your colleagues during the following scheduled breaks:
Coffee break from 11:00 to 11:30
Lunch from 12:30 to 14:00
Coffee break from 15:30 to 16:00
Key note by Mikuláš Bek, Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, Milena Králíčková, President of Czech Rectors‘ Conference, rector of Charles University and Piet Van Hove, President of the European Association for International Education (EAIE)
Mikuláš Bek, Minister of Education, Youth and Sports
Milena Králíčková, President of Czech Rectors' Conference
Piet Van Hove, President of EAIE
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Piet Van Hove, President of EAIE
Milena Králíčková, President of Czech Rectors' Conference
Gerhard Volz, Director for International Cooperation in Higher Education, OeAD
Rita Dias, President of Erasmus Student Network International
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For decades, the Erasmus program has been a beacon of cultural exchange and personal growth. As Generation Z, the digital natives, are now the focal point of university promotion efforts, it is crucial to understand their unique preferences and motivations. Our panel will focus on Erasmus promotion activities on social media towards Gen Z students. How did we start? What was before? What are the struggles? What activities are we doing? For how much? We can answer all these questions and much more.
Vladimír Dlask, DZS (moderator)
Pavlína Šenk Kopecká, Prague University of Economics and Business
Ondřej Votinský, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Erika Lahka, Czech Technical University in Prague
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The Faculty of Education of the University of Ostrava has struggled with a low number of student mobilities (similar to other programmes aimed at preparing for a regulated profession). To improve the situation, the Department of the Human Movement Studies introduced a “mobility window” (the first at the UO). This talk will present the challenges that the department has faced during the implementation (accreditation, increasing the capacity of Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreements, alternatives for students who cannot go, promotion…), as well as an evaluation of experiences and impact after 2 years. This presentation will also broach the subject of other instruments such as BIPs, etc.
Kamila Danihelková, University of Ostrava
Jan Plešek, University of Ostrava
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Faculty of Education, MUNI, conducted the first COIL in 2018 and has since built this pedagogical approach to MUNI’s internationalization at home strategy. The studies herein presented share the experience from two COILs: one delivered as a pre-arrival online preparation for students from a US college, who engaged in an intercultural project with MUNI students, and the other involving students from four EDUC universities in a project exploring intercultural differences in the labor market.
Zdeněk Janík, Masaryk University
Hana Delalande, Masaryk University
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The best qualified applicants often receive multiple acceptance-offers from universities across multiple countries. How a university engages with them is an important factor in their decision, and helps them navigate the (often) harrowing visa and admissions process. The communication and support the university provides not only gives students the best chance to succeed but can serve as an integral component of the university’s third mission - societal engagement. We will look at leading, practical examples of attracting and retaining applicants, providing focused support services for students, and developing ambassador and alumni networks.
Daniel Casten, Sycamore International Group (moderator)
Pavel Flekač, Palacký University Olomouc
Irena Havelková, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava
Marta Hochmal, Prague University of Economics and Business
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IHES (internationalisation in higher education for society) is a concept that has gained substantial traction in the last years with HEIs and international networks joining forces with civil society and regional governments to develop and test collaboration models that bring together internationalisation and societal engagement. In this session, we will discuss approaches in Latin America and Europe to use IHES to improve the international mindset of the wider population. We will highlight several projects: The IHES project that brought together universities, civil society and regional governments; the DITE project in Europe that focuses on internationalising teacher education; and several IHES projects in Chile. The aim is to identify connections between society and educational institutions from different international perspectives.
Martin Bogdan, Academic Cooperation Association
Uwe Brandenburg, Global Impact Institute
Erika Somlyay, Lifelong Learning Platform
Paulina Latorre, Universidad de la Frontera
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Choosing the right destination for studying abroad could be a tricky task. VSE has recently launched a new tool which could help students to choose their destination easily and in one place – Erasmus Picker ( It helps students to define the proper criteria for their choice - language, GPA, field of study as well as further information on cost of living, safety and healthcare in respective destinations. The app was created by students of the VSE course Data project in close cooperation with VSE International Office with the use of various digital tools, such as Power BI.
Gabriela Böhmová, Prague University of Economics and Business
Dominika Hrabalová, Prague University of Economics and Business
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Label ‘Bienvenue en France’: a Quality seal for Attractiveness of HEI
Welcoming international students has an impact on the attractiveness of Higher Education Institutions and the quality of student experience. The Label Bienvenue en France was launched in 2018 by the French government to improve support services for international students. 151 French HEIs have obtained the Label. The Label ‘Bienvenue en France’ is managed by Campus France, which elaborated guidelines for the evaluation of campus life and students needs (from before departure to after graduation). The quality of the support and services, such as accommodation or access to information is part of the assessment criteria. What methodology has the Label developed to assess the quality of support services? What are the indicators for international student experience? How does the Label encourages HEIs to implement new support services?
Stéphanie Beauchêne, Campus France
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Within European Alliances and interconnected EHEA, global and intercultural competence can no longer be viewed as a ‘nice to have’ skill in academia; it is a ‘must have’. This session will introduce a unique professional development training focused on developing Cultural Intelligence (CQ) that helps academics and staff navigate cultural differences and facilitate intercultural collaboration and learning—at home and abroad—to create more inclusive classrooms, campuses, and communities.
Tiffany Cook, TBC Culture Hub
Eva Janebová, Mestenhauser Institute for International Collaboration
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As universities seek solutions to complex issues such as sustainability or inclusivity, excellent collaboration across the institution or a university alliance is a key to success. We will share insights from a carefully designed and delivered international collaborative practice we call international professional learning communities. We will invite participants to explore collaborative principles and apply them to challenging issues in their own institutional and/or European alliance setting.
Renáta Tomášková, University of Ostrava
Ida Andersson-Norrie, Örebro University
Eva Janebová, Mestenhauser Institute for International Collaboration
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Short-term mobility represents an important part of the Erasmus+ programme, enabling a study abroad experience for various groups of students and staff members, including those with special requirements. In our presentation, we would like to focus mainly on Ph.D. mobility, which is of growing interest at CU. Apart from that, our aim is to address the physical mobility part within BIPs. The main coordinator of our contribution is Faculty of Arts, but perspectives of more faculties will be included.
Ester Brožová, Charles University
Michaela Lemeškinová, Charles University Faculty of Arts
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We would like to share our great experience with the BIP “Inclusive and Adapted Physical Activities”, which was organised by the Faculty of Sport Science and Physical Education, in Coimbra, Portugal. Students and teachers participated in a program dedicated to physical activity and inclusion strategies through sport. The participants came from Portugal, Czech Republic, Latvia and Spain including students with special needs. The BIP was finalized with a sporting event for more than 100 local participants with intellectual disabilities organised by the students.
Klára Daďová, Charles University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
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Explore the intricate connection between digitalisation and sustainability in international higher education by joining this engaging panel discussion. Stemming from the European Digital Education Hub's latest working group, the panel will tackle topics such as the environmental impact of digital technologies, strategies for creating more sustainable digital infrastructures, e-waste challenges and how digitalisation aids in achieving Sustainable Development Goals. We'll also reveal practical examples, showcasing impactful case studies and merging theory and practice. Join us to reshape higher education's future in the era of digitalisation and sustainability.
Angeliki Psychogyiou, Academic Cooperation Association
Rita Dias, Erasmus Student Network
Salome Dermati, European University Foundation
Science diplomacy has been playing an increasing part in individual nations’ strategy of influence: to assert one’s presence in the international arena, but mostly because of its added-value for knowledge creation and contribution to economic and social development. Yet, the success of these top-down approaches strongly relies on the motivation and commitments of the individuals involved. Our presentation will show how the combination of national strategies and grassroot initiatives to harness the potential of scientific diasporas can contribute to enhancing international scientific cooperation.
Matouš Glanc, Czexpats in Science
Véronique Debord-Lazaro, French Embassy in the Czech Republic
Otakar Fojt, British Embassy in the Czech Republic
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After two years of implementation of the new edition of the Erasmus + Programme and on the pathway of its midterm review, it is time we assess its needs for improvement. Research from the XV ESNsurvey shows that students face a broad range of obstacles influenced by the late payment of grants, enrollment in courses, and lack of accommodation options. How do these circumstances affect their ability to go abroad? In this session, we are going to tackle which are the main barriers for students to go abroad. Participants will be prompted to reflect on the various obstacles these students face before, during, and after their time abroad and on the pathways to improve the quality of learning and courses of students.
Rita Dias, Erasmus Student Network
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The Million of Erasmus Grants (MEGA) project aims to enhance the management of Erasmus+ grants at the university level and develop a digital tool for accurate and timely grant payments. The results of Project Result 1 will be presented. The focuse was on gathering information from European countries to understand the financial management of Erasmus+ grants. A survey was conducted to explore factors influencing grant management and individual institutional practices. The study identified trigger points and critical moments in the payment process and aimed to identify key issues and features required in the digital tool. Students, International Relations Offices, and Erasmus+ National Agencies were targeted to assess satisfaction, institutional rules, and official regulations. The findings will contribute to the creation of a methodological framework for relevant databases and for implemanation in digital app prototype for E+ grant distribution.
Lukáš Kala, Mendel University in Brno
Tereza Formáčková, Mendel University in Brno
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Believe it or not, almost everyday each of us end up using Wikipedia knowledge on the Web, for instance, indirectly via search engines results. Wikipedia, the largest online encyclopedia, offers a unique collaborative ecosystem, it is a tangible massive manifestation of free knowledge, multilingual, and OER. This session will show how Wikipedia, its free knowledge ecosystem, best practices and tools have been brought together to promote digital education in higher education and beyond.
Elwin Huaman, University of Innsbruck
Lucie Schubert, Wikimedia Czech Republic
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When it comes to providing services to students with special needs, there seem to be two major models at higher education institutions: one influenced by the medical approach and one more compatible with the social approach. The former expects students to know best when it comes to organizing services and adjustments within their studies. The latter sees the student as a partner in a discussion and the institution is responsible for determining the reasonable adjustments, and coordinating the relevant services. Let’s share & compare our views.
Tomáš Varga, Středisko Teiresiás, Masaryk University
Lenka Tóthová, Středisko Teiresiás, Masaryk University
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The experience of forming university alliances shows some of the educational issues on which European universities need to find common ground. The presentation focuses on topics such as the relevance of the graduate profile, the recognition of prior learning or the risks of (in)comparability of internationally recognised qualifications, credit transfer, accreditation standards, quality assurance procedures, and practices, or the different conditions for financing studies.
Ladislav Janíček, Brno University of Technology
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To accomplish U!REKA SHIFT objectives, we will develop an inclusive and connected campus with open courses on sustainability and digital transitions including a virtual, blended or physical mobility component. We will establish interdisciplinary Centres of Expertise , develop micro-credentials, double degrees, a joint degree program, internship and incubator program. This is how we aim to contribute to twin transition, strengthen European identity and the quality of European Higher Education.
Michaela Krömerová, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava
Igor Ivan, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava
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During this session, we are walking participants through the lifecycle of trainees, understanding their needs. We first compare the participants experiences with ESN’s research data and then present possibilities to address students needs in digitalised and inclusive internship formats.
Nadine Berends, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Adéla Smejkalová, Erasmus Student Network
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Opening Keynote09:00 - 09:30
Opening Panel on the CZEDUCON 2023 Main Thematic Areas09:30 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:05
From Campus to Cosmos: Gen Z Meets Erasmus!10:05 - 10:35
10:35 - 10:40
Can a Mobility Window Increase the Number of Student Mobilities? An Example of the UO Faculty of Education10:40 - 11:10
11:10 - 11:15
COIL as an Approach to Internationalization of Universities in the Digital Age11:15 - 11:45
11:45 - 11:50
Best practices connecting the cycles of Recruitment—Application—Study—Alumni11:50 - 12:20
09:00 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:05
Internationalising All: How to Bring Internationalisation Closer to Society10:05 - 10:35
10:35 - 10:40
ERASMUS PICKER – The Right Way to Your Dream Destination for Studying Abroad?10:40 - 11:10
11:10 - 11:15
Label ‘Bienvenue en France’: a Quality seal for Attractiveness of HEI11:15 - 11:45
11:45 - 11:50
Cultural Intelligence: Incorporating This Must-Have Skill for Global Citizens into Daily Interactions11:50 - 12:20
09:00 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:05
Collaboration Without Walls: Developing International Professional Learning Communities10:05 - 10:35
10:35 - 10:40
Erasmus+ Short Term Mobility Challenges10:40 - 11:10
11:10 - 11:15
Inclusive and Adapted Physical Activities11:15 - 11:45
11:45 - 11:50
Digitalisation and Sustainability in Higher Education: Enabling the Twin Transition11:50 - 12:20
09:00 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:05
Diplomacy in Support of International Scientific Cooperation10:05 - 10:35
10:35 - 10:40
The Student Perspective on the Erasmus+ Programme 2021-2027: How to Remove Barriers to Student Participation?10:40 - 11:10
11:10 - 11:15
Digitalization of E+ Student Grant Distribution: Results from the MEGA Project11:15 - 11:45
11:45 - 11:50
How Wikipedia, the Largest Internet Encyclopedia, Fosters Digital Education within Academia and Beyond?11:50 - 12:20
09:00 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:05
Student or Expert: Who Knows Best? Disability Services at HEIs10:05 - 10:35
10:35 - 10:40
Educational Challenges in European University Alliances10:40 - 11:10
11:10 - 11:15
Urban Research and Education Knowledge Alliance (U!REKA) as a new European University Alliance11:15 - 11:45
11:45 - 11:50
How to Understand and Implement Students Needs in the Traineeship Cycle11:50 - 12:20
Guests can look forward to dinner filled with Czech and regional delicacies. The evening will also be full networking opportunities, allowing attendees to share ideas, and forge new professional relationships. The evening's highlight will be a performance by the renowned Moravian group, Cimballica.
How to get there:
Located in the heart of Brno, the Brno Philharmonic (Besední dům) is just a leisurely 10-15 minute walk from Hotel Passage. This convenient proximity offers you the perfect opportunity to take a stroll through the city centre. If you prefer not to walk, you can take the tram number 6 at the nearby Antonínská stop and alight at the Česká tram stop.