Tuesday, 19th November

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The registration starts at 8:00, followed by a welcome coffee from 8:30.

You can anticipate the opportunity to network with your colleagues during the following scheduled breaks:

Coffee break from 11:00 to 11:30
Lunch from 12:30 to 14:00
Coffee break from 15:30 to 16:00

this part of programme is happening at O2 universum
Conference Opening

Conference Opening

Michal Uhl, Director of DZS – Czech National Agency for International Education and Research

Opening keynote

Sarah Ilchman, Co-president of Institute of International Education

Opening panel

Milena Králíčková, President of Czech Rectors' Conference, rector of Charles University
Beate Körner, head of the section ‘Erasmus+ Partnerships and Cooperation Projects’ in the Erasmus+ National Agency, DAAD
Laura E. Rumbley, Director for Knowledge Development and Research, EAIE
Michal Karpíšek, Secretary General at E³UDRES² European University, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences

Moderated by Daniel Casten

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EAIE Barometer 2024 – Key Findings for the EHEA & Czechia

In March 2024, the European Association for International Education released the eagerly awaited third edition of the EAIE Barometer report. Drawing on 2,817 responses from 46 countries within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the report provides a comprehensive view of the current health and vitality of internationalisation in European higher education, as seen through the perspectives of frontline professionals in the field. This session will highlight key takeaways from the report, with a particular focus on insights from the Czech responses.

Laura Rumbley - European Association for International Education, Jody Hoekstra-Selten - European Association for International Education

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What Direction Will the Concept of Microcredentials Take in the Czech Republic This Year?

A microcredential is an electronic record that confirms the completion of a small-scale learning unit, awarded through ECTS credits and demonstrating specific learning outcomes. A project titled "Improving the Permeability of Higher Education through Microcredentials", led by Charles University and involving all 26 Czech public universities, has developed a framework to implement this concept in the Czech Republic in alignment with European efforts to enhance international cooperation in education. The project is expected to be finalised in the second half of this year. This raises an important question: What direction will the concept of microcredentials take in the Czech Republic this year?

Markéta Martínková - Charles University

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Promoting Europe as a Study Destination: Insights from Study in Europe

We are stronger when we work together. The aim of the Study in Europe initiative is to promote Europe as a study destination collectively. Europe’s rich diversity is one of its greatest assets but also a unique challenge: how can we showcase the multitude of options and opportunities to international students? This session will discuss approaches to a united promotion of Europe’s diverse higher education landscape. It will also present the objectives and activities of Study in Europe, an EU-funded initiative implemented by a consortium of six national agencies (Campus France, DAAD, Nuffic, HARNO, ACA, and DZS). Join us to discover how higher education institutions and stakeholders can get involved in these activities and shape the future of international education in Europe.

Johanna Hellwig - Campus France, Bára Křenek Sobotková - Czech National Agency for International Education and Research, Puck Dekker - Nuffic

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Student Blended Mobility in Practice: How to Deliver the Best Digitalisation Has to Offer / Navigating BIP Success: Lessons from MENDELU’s Journey

Blended student mobility offers significant opportunities for experimenting with new technologies and enhancing digital skills. It enriches the learning experience and prepares both higher education students and staff for a tech-driven and innovative life in academia and beyond. In this session, we will highlight institutional best practices and explore how to address the most prominent challenges. We will share practical tips and inspire participants to embrace the digitalisation wave! BIPs offer exciting funding opportunities for summer schools, but they also present challenges for International Relations Offices (IROs) in establishing clear guidelines. Over the past three years, MENDELU has hosted 10 BIPs, experiencing both highs and lows. Join us to explore lessons learned, including the importance of extensive communication between the rectorate and faculties to harmonise rules and content creation. We will also address ongoing challenges, such as enhancing online components, which are key to maximising the effectiveness of BIPs.

Salome Dermati - European University Foundation, Angeliki Psychogyiou - Academic Cooperation Association, Tereza Šmídová - Mendel University in Brno, Lenka Vivas - Mendel University in Brno

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Cooperation with High School Counsellors

In today’s globalised world filled with international opportunities, an increasing number of students are choosing to study abroad. This interest in exploring international education often begins in the early teenage years. At this pivotal stage, high school advisors and counsellors play a crucial role in guiding students in the right direction. With their expertise and insights, counsellors can help students navigate the complexities of international education pathways more effectively. Partnering with counsellors can bring significant benefits to universities: they can serve as advocates, promoting university programmes and opportunities to students and families, and they can play an essential role in guiding students through the application process, including helping them select suitable universities. By engaging with high school counsellors, universities can connect with students early in their academic journeys. As counsellors work closely with students, they develop a strong understanding of students' needs, making them invaluable resources for universities seeking insight into the academic interests, preferences, and aspirations of prospective students. However, there are important considerations for universities before engaging with counsellors, such as the potential for additional workload and other logistical factors.

Martina K. Ferreira - Charles University, Caleb House - Czech Technical University in Prague, Martin Hanker - Charles University, Marta Hochmal - Prague University of Economics and Business

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Safeguarding Scholars: Enhancing International Security in Higher Education

Explore international security in higher education with a focus on the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague (CZU). In an increasingly globalised academic landscape and amid evolving geopolitical challenges, ensuring the safety for students, faculty, and staff is essential. This session examines CZU’s strategies and collaborative efforts to enhance security both on and off campus, addressing international partnerships, travel-related risks, and new institutional guidelines. Join us to learn about CZU’s innovative practices in fostering a safer academic environment.

Lubomír Majerník - Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

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Students' motivation to go abroad strongly depends on information strategies and the quality of communication channels. In 2023, CU launched a new interactive platform, ViaErasmus!, which enables outgoing students to receive concise, systematic, and clear answers to key questions related to Erasmus+. In this presentation, ViaErasmus! will be introduced as a tool for smooth, efficient, and user-friendly administration for Erasmus+ students and staff. A practical guideline for creating a similar project will also be shared.

Petra Šmídová - Charles University

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Tackling Gender-Based Violence and Ensuring Safe Environment in Academia: Role of Ombudspersons

In the first part, we will examine the current state of knowledge on gender-based violence in academia across European countries. We will explore the Unisafe 7P model, which enables universities to create a safe environment for all. In the second part, we will investigate the role that organisational ombudspersons can play in the implementation of the 7P model. We will work with practical examples collected by the Czech Network of Ombudspersons for Higher Education.

Petr Polák - Czech Network of Ombudpersons in Higher Education, Zuzana Andreska - Centre for Gender & Science, Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences

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Managing the Implementation of Projects for Building European University Alliances

Managing the implementation of international projects, such as the European University Alliance, presents significant challenges due to differing legislative, funding, and cultural contexts. Achieving common objectives and project outcomes therefore requires adept project management. One example is the EULiST alliance, currently led by BUT. This presentation will share insights from building the alliance, including defining roles, establishing coordination mechanisms, achieving joint programme accreditation, and advancing human resource development.

Ladislav Janíček - Brno University of Technology

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Doing More by Doing Less: A Sustainable Approach to Well-Being

The panel discussion will focus on situations where providing additional services to support student well-being becomes counterproductive—either because these services are underutilised or ignored, leading to a waste of the institution’s human and financial resources. Additionally, the discussion will address how excessive support can hinder the development of students' life skills and independence. Representatives from the International Offices at VŠE and the Richard Ivey School of Business in Canada will share best practices on this topic.

Marta Hochmal - Prague University of Economics and Business, Karolína Kaslová - Prague University of Economics and Business, Solomon Galindo - Ivey Business School

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Balancing Quality – Affordability in International Higher Education for Sustainability Impact

This session explores the challenges of internationalisation in higher education, focusing on achieving affordability in student mobility, effective time management, and robust quality assurance (based on our didactic model). We will examine how we balance standardisation for streamlined processes with customisation to address the diverse needs and backgrounds of students. The session will discuss how these elements can be leveraged to enhance the sustainability of our international education programmes.

Farshad Badie - Berlin School of Business and Innovation, Kyriakos Kouveliotis - Berlin School of Business and Innovation, Shiv Tripathi - Berlin School of Business and Innovation

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Internationalisation through Comparative Migration Studies: The MigraMedia Project

European nations have distinct histories of migration, encompassing both immigration and emigration. Our panel will demonstrate how the study of migration histories can enhance the internationalisation of institutions of higher education. By reporting on our work in the international project "Migration Narratives in European Media," we will illustrate how a focus on migration impacts institutional cooperation and raises participants' awareness of historical intersections and parallels that many Europeans may not recognise.

Markus Heide - University of Hildesheim, Ewa Antoszek - Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Solomiia Rozlutska - Ukranian Catholic University

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Blended Intensive Programmes: Learning from Institutional, Academic, and Student Cooperation

Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs) are demanding in multiple ways: they stem from close collaboration among an international group of academics, unite diverse student groups to tackle specialised tasks while building international teams, and rely on support from internationalisation officers to succeed. The complexity of these programmes motivated us to share our experiences, successes, and challenges, presenting four perspectives: academic, student, strategic, and expert support. Join us to share your own insights!

Renáta Tomášková - University of Ostrava, Ida Andersson-Norrie - Örebro University, Gabriela Škorníková - University of Ostrava, Lada Klapuchová - University of Ostrava, Andrea Pokludová - University of Ostrava, Jonas Ålander - Örebro University

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Preparing Global Changemakers: Enhancing Challenge-Based Learning Through Internships in Developing Countries Under the Supervision of Expert Academics

The evolving landscape of higher education calls for innovative approaches to equip students with practical skills and real-world experience. For applied universities, integrating challenge-based learning through the "touch and learn" principle has become increasingly vital. This approach actively engages students in their field of study, enriching their learning experience and preparing them for future careers. To address student apprehension—especially for international assignments in tropical forestry and regional development—a targeted scholarship programme has been introduced. This programme supports student placements abroad, primarily in African and South American countries, where students collect data for research often linked to their final thesis. Supervised by experienced Czech academics and conducted in collaboration with local institutions, these activities align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The initiative ensures high-quality guidance, easing students’ transitions and emphasizing the practical outcomes of their experiences, including their relevance to future studies and career paths.

Vendula Tvrdoňová - Mendel University in Brno, Lenka Zouhar-Ludvíková - Mendel University in Brno, Lukáš Kala - Mendel University in Brno, Katerina Brzokoupilova - MENDELU

University of Ostrava Makes a Difference – Sustainable Development as a Student Mobility Programme

The University of Ostrava created a unique mobility programme, OU Aid, to support internationalisation and fulfil the university's third mission abroad. OU Aid focuses on implementing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in developing countries. The programme allows students, regardless of their field of study, to make a direct social impact with financial support and guidance from the University of Ostrava. Participants view their mobility experience as crucial for their careers and lives, and partner organisations and local communities highly value their collaboration. This panel session will provide key information about the programme, explain the process behind its creation, introduce partner institutions, and present student feedback on their exchange experiences.

Ivana Adamiková - University of Ostrava, David Pakizer - University of Ostrava, Adéla Hašková - University of Ostrava, Dana Feminová - Center Narovinu

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Preparing International Students for Their Future Careers

How can higher education institutions in Europe be supported to prepare their international students for professional careers upon graduation? A comprehensive approach that integrates career guidance, skills and competency development, and professional network-building has been identified as an effective strategy. Following an overview of the European policy landscape, the session will spotlight the German Academic Exchange Service’s (DAAD) Campus Initiative for International Talents, along with practical insights from an architect and lecturer on how international courses can better equip students for their professional and vocational careers. Participants will then engage in focused small group discussions to share experiences and insights on the topic, which will contribute to the overall discussion.

Tanja Kreetz - DAAD, Ryan Manton - Architectural Institute in Prague

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10th Birthday of KA2: Best Practices of Project Implementation and Cooperation

Collaboration with partners is essential for successful project implementation. Cooperation and communication guidelines should be established during the project preparation phase and clearly defined at the start of implementation. This presentation emphasises the importance of selecting the right partners as a key factor in mitigating risks and achieving high-quality outcomes, as well as sharing best practices in project coordination. Additionally, many universities face challenges with low student mobility rates. Enhanced support for students in short-term and blended mobility programmes could help address this issue. Best practices will be illustrated through project examples from UWB and VŠB-TUO.

Jarmila Ircingová - University of West Bohemia, Jana Čepičková - University of West Bohemia, Lenka Heczková - Technical University of Ostrava, Petra Hranická - Technical University of Ostrava

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Expanding Access: The Role of Short-Term Mobility in Internationalising Higher Education

This proposal explores the potential of short-term mobility programmes as tools for internationalising higher education. These programmes are particularly beneficial for students facing barriers to long-term mobility and for institutions seeking broader student engagement and inclusion. Using the LangSkills International Summer School for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Learners as a case study, we demonstrate the unique benefits and opportunities these programmes offer in engaging a diverse student population and enhancing institutional responsiveness to their needs.

Lenka Tóthová - Masaryk University, Tomáš Varga - Masaryk University

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Fostering Everyday Resilience: University in Times of Crisis

Resilience in higher education goes beyond developing a crisis management plan. At Charles University, the tragic events of December 2023 served as a stark reminder of this need. How can we foster an environment that supports students and staff, enhancing their ability to cope with stressful situations or major disruptions? This presentation, based on the experiences and initiatives of the Resilience Centre CUNI, demonstrates how the everyday practices of well-being, social safety, and community engagement strengthen the resources that individuals can draw upon during crises or in stressful situations. Key components in building a resilient community include awareness-raising, education, community development, and the promotion of social inclusivity.

Jan Tesárek - Charles University

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What is ARTEMIS?

Let us introduce you to the ARTEMIS app, an online system for managing international students, volunteers, and International Relations Office (IRO) coordinators. The main focus of ARTEMIS is to simplify the management of international students and local volunteers by collecting their information in one place. The app offers features such as buddy matching, a mailing system, arrival information, statistics, data export, event management, and much more! The application is available to everyone.

Dominik Resl - Erasmus Student Network Hradec Králové, Veronika Plchová - University of Hradec Králové

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D2 (workshop)
D2 (workshop)

PROFFORMANCE Toolkit for Higher Education Teachers' Competence Development

Join us for an engaging workshop that will introduce the PROFFORMANCE formative three-dimensional assessment tool (Czech and English version) developed by a consortium of national agencies, ministries, universities, and quality assurance agencies, along with an outstanding group of experts. We will explore the supporting resources (Teaching Excellence Database, the International Teachers Awards, and the Course Portal).

Jan Beseda - Centre for Higher Education Studies, Márton Beke - Tempus Public Foundation

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Legal Entity – Beneficial or Detrimental Institution?

The concept of a legal entity has been significant within alliances since their establishment. The 4EU+ Alliance has established a legal entity to ensure equal rights for member universities, encountering both advantages and disadvantages. This issue will be debated in a workshop conducted in a league format. Participants will be divided into two groups: proponents and opponents of the legal entity. Each group will have 10 minutes to prepare and select a speaker, followed by a 15-minute debate to present their arguments. This discussion aims to explore all perspectives on the question of the legal entity.

Karolína Šedivcová - Charles University

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AI Supported Learning and Content Curation – New Ways with eDoer

We will demonstrate a novel learning environment, eDoer, which combines AI and human expertise to enhance learning and teaching in the digital space. This is achieved by reusing and structuring suitable, openly available learning content to rapidly create curricula, and by sharing this structured, quality-controlled content and curricula globally. Learners can then customise their learning experience to meet their individual needs.

Gábor Kismihók - TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology, Carolin Eisentraut - TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology

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Mobility for All: Enhancing Skills and Career Opportunities Through Inclusive International Exchange

This session will explore the existing inequalities in access to international mobility within higher education, while also emphasizing the transformative benefits these opportunities provide. Participants will engage in interactive activities designed to highlight barriers such as financial constraints, disabilities, and geographic or socio-political challenges.
The session led by the OCEANS Network, will introduce activities of Erasmus+ Students and Alumni, sharing opportunities and encouraging participants to discuss solutions and best practices for making mobility programs more inclusive. By the end, attendees will not only gain valuable insights into how international exchanges can enhance skills and broaden career opportunities, but their input will also be actively considered in our future work and analysis as we strive to advance inclusivity in global education initiatives.

Yassine Zarouk - OCEANS Network (Student & Alumni network of international exchange programmes), Anezka Aubrechtova, Aji Suhartoyo

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D5 (MINI lounge)
D5 (MINI lounge)

Among Others: Informal Education at Universities

An interactive workshop focused on enriching the higher education sector through non-formal education. It will concentrate on the opportunities that have arisen within the Erasmus+ programme for non-formal youth education and how these can be implemented into the functioning of institutions such as faculties or universities. As an example of an already functioning connection between formal and non-formal education, the project "Among Others" will be presented, which is currently taught as the subject "Development of Intercultural Competencies" at several Czech universities.

Václav Vidím - DZS | Czech National Agency for International Education and Research

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Music Education in Digital Age

This session will explore music education and technology, focusing on the use of ultra-low-latency streaming technology as a tool for remote collaboration. It will highlight the integration of technology into music education as an essential component of future international connectivity. Additionally, it will delve into the themes of sustainability and intercultural cooperation within this context, showcasing how these elements contribute to a more holistic approach to music education in an interconnected world.

Daniela Peclová - Janáček Academy of Performing Arts, Faculty of Music

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Be inspired by the Erasmus+ impact campaign, featured in captivating video loops displayed throughout the event.

this part of programme is happening at Trade Fair Palace

The conference programme may be subject to change without prior notice.

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